Ask me anything

Are you feeling unsure about something?

Timing is off, or maybe you need some spruce-up advice when it comes to your baby’s sleep?

An Ask Me Anything call is a 40 minute call ($80USD) with one of our certified sleep coaches.

We send you a questionnaire prior to the call so we are ready to make the most of our time together.

This is a fantastic option if your baby is falling to sleep independently, and you just need that 1:1 direction without a coach following you each day. It’s perfect if you are doing a nap transition, traveling, recovering from sickness, or things were great and they’re not so great now.

Note: If your baby is not falling asleep independently, this call will be helpful for some timing adjustments, and primary direction from a coach, however, they will not have time to walk through a full plan. When we work with clients 1:1 or they get the comprehensive course, there is so much to pack in, that it would not be doing due diligence to your child, trying to give a full a-z plan in 40 minutes.