Sleep doesn't need to be that hard!

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1:1 Coaching takes the guesswork out of your baby’s sleep:

All about your little one questionnaire

This will help us form the best sleep plan for your little one, ensuring that they have the care they need.

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Custom approach

Each family has unique needs and preferences. Using the information you have provided we will write a customized sleep plan, using our holistic approach to everything in your child's day and night.

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Coaching session 1: Foundations

We will educate you on how sleep works and how it impacts your child’s development, we first cover our foundations so you can best communicate your child and we can get to know you. This phase is our secret sauce to reducing crying before introducing new skills.

Daily Messaging

Using the messaging feature in the Little Winks App we can discuss questions, concerns and ideas!

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Coaching session 2: Skill development

This is where we present you with the skills phase, a custom built sleep plan for your child. Digging deep together to make this the best process for your child.

Unlimited email

Have a question? Send your coach an e-mail! As many as you need and we will be able to answer them.

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Night one

We have a call after night one to recap night one and address any questions or concerns you may have and make any additional customizations from there.

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In-app tracking

Wonder how we figure out what's going on with your little one’s sleep? We track it!

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Phone calls: Refinement phase

We will have additional calls if your coach sees it necessary, to ensure we're communicating effectively as we customize your child's sleep plan.

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Tracking & support

In week two we will continue to track your little one's sleep and trouble shoot anything that might arise.

Closing call

We also have a follow-up call at the beginning of week two so that you are prepared as we head into the next phase of consolidating your child's sleep.

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Two weeks! Yep, that's right your child will be sleeping through the night in two weeks! (if no night feeds are needed!)

Afterwards, you will have access to our graduate kit with a wealth of knowledge.

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Is your little one generally a good sleeper, but you're struggling with one or two sleep challenges? Book a 40-minute "Ask Me Anything" call for expert advice and simple solutions!

Meet the Coaches