The complete answer to getting your 3-6 month old through the 4 month regression & beyond.

Are you in the UGLY phase of baby sleep?

Is your baby 4-6 months old? Was your baby is great sleeper, and now it seems to have all fallen apart?

You feel like baby sleep is all smoke and mirrors, not knowing what to do or even how to help your baby?

You’re not sure what to expect and feel like you are white knuckling through each night.

You know they can sleep longer, you know they need more sleep but it’s a maze of short naps and night wakings.



where your angel sleeper went… or why they could never be a angel sleeper in the first place… let’s find out WHY!!!

👋 It’s only $128USD to sail through the 4 month regression and have great sleep right up to 18 months!

Tell the “helpful people” to move over… because we’ll help you without CIO!

Understand what the 4 month regression is, how it impacts sleep and strategies to get through it!

Teach them sleep in a way that increases connection and decreases separation anxiety.

Have them sleep 10-12 hours a night with great naps! (without being trapped or unable to cuddle your baby!)

Know they’ll drop night feeds when they’re ready because they know their bodies and sleep.

Stop living in a panic around sleep, say goodbye to tears,

let’s get sleep sorted

for LIFE!

Stop the 4 month regression in it’s tracks and give your baby the gift of confident sleep!

Use strategies that are gentle, yet effective, so they can lean into learning sleep in a supportive way.
Not every baby is the same, so we have made sure there is strategies that will work for YOUR family.

Set your baby up with a foundation of sleep where they can feel safe and confident in sleep. They don’t need to panic when it’s time to sleep because they know their body.

Adventure & Regression proof your baby’s sleep.

Avoid future regressions, sickness, teething, with a gentle, clear strategy. Know how to bounce back or step through those big leaps.

Other courses:

Telling you that you can’t do anything to help your baby and just to wait it out , “one day you’ll miss it”.

Giving you a fixed plan or schedule that doesn’t work for your baby, family or lifestyle!

Leaves unhelpful habits in place that will ruin sleep down the road.

Doesn’t regression proof sleep.

Blames, rather than educates. Leaving parents frustrated and feeling bad.

Not providing options for parents to be empowered in their babys sleep.

Doesn’t consider attachment, regulation and the body/brain chemistry.

Little Winks Sleep (Your sleep bestie):

We understand that sleep is crucial for development of the baby, and the mental/physical health of the parent too!

We want you to bring your baby on adventures, providing plans that you can teach your baby while still enjoying cuddles and on the go naps.

Addresses all the possible hinderances that may come up so your baby is confident in their sleep.

Gives you and your baby skills to get through sickness, teething and regressions because #lifehappens

We know that parenting is hard, sleep deprivation is hard and so we come from a place of empathy and connection.

There are MULTIPLE plan options for you to choose from so that you can find the best one to fit your baby’s needs and preferences.

Co-regulation, brain/body chemistry and attachment are CORE VALUES of our team and everything we do. We want sleep to enrich your relationship with your baby!

This course will last you with all the information you need til baby is 18 months old, there’s no gimmick to upsell you to the next age if you don’t need it!

Implement the foundations stage where your baby is able to be supported during change.

Step into the skills phase where you are able to be with your baby and support them as they learn to sleep.

Cruise through the refinement phase as naps become more predictable and you’re able to enjoy more sleep.

What’s Included

Over 3 hours of videos and downloadable PDFs with everything you need to gently teach your baby to sleep

Complete Sleep Program that takes your baby right through to 18 months (tackling sickness, teething, separation anxiety, nap transitions, etc. head on)

All things Four Month Regression including what you can do to shorten, or avoid it completely

Our exclusive FOUNDATIONS phase & 4 Sleep Plans to so you can find the best fit for your baby

Live Q&As twice a month where you can ask questions about your unique situation. After all, every baby is unique!

The comprehensive Navigating Naptime course to help with nap timing, short naps, naps on the go and more!

All this for only $128!!

*Note - Prices in USD funds

What other families are saying!

I’m Anna!

When my daughter was born, she did not sleep! I learned that truth very quickly what true exhaustions was!

Figuring out how to get my baby to sleep so that I could sleep became my #1 priority. 

In October 2018 I did my certification and became a Certified Pediatric Sleep Coach, and started Little Winks Sleep™. 

As a mom of three, I get it. Budgets are tight, but you desperately need your little one to sleep. That's the reason I created Sleep Sleep Baby™, so you can stay on budget and still enjoy the life-changing experience of having your little one sleep!

I am super proud of the programs I create and I know that any parent who follows them will be over the moon. As well as well rested!😴 

Just know that whatever you want IS possible. If 1500+ other parents can do it, you can do it, too.