Are you ready for your little one to sleep 10+ hours a night without leaving them to cry it out?

Say goodnight to:

  • DREADING bedtime
  • Doing all the things to MAKE them sleep
  • ENDLESS night wakings
  • False starts & early mornings

Sleep Sleep Baby™

Imagine kissing your baby goodnight, they fall asleep, and sleep 10-12 hours without a fuss!

Sleep Sleep Baby is for you if:

  • You are starting to dread bedtime.
  • Your little one needs help falling asleep.
  • You don't want to leave your little one to cry it out.
  • You're feeling so done with sleep but don't know what to do.
  • You are so tired of how things are going.
  • Your little one is just as frustrated as you just wanting more sleep.
  • You are overwhelmed and don't know what to do or how to start.

Why do I need to make a change?

The majority of babies need help when it comes to learning healthy sleep. 50-75% of the structure of sleep is behaviour, this means their understanding of how to sleep in healthy way. During your One Year Subscription you will work with their body, teaching sleep in a gentle, responsive way.

Development happens in sleep. It is during sleep that the brain processes what it has learnt and creates new neuro-pathways. When sleep is disrupted (unless by developmentally appropriate feeds) the transfer from short term to long term memory is abandoned and needs to be relearned.

Sleep keeps us healthy. Sleep is our superpower… it is where our body uses its immune system to it’s fullest, and our little ones growing.

Parental Mental Health, studies have shown a significant decrease in maternal mental health issues such as PPA/D, when infant sleep is improved. This allows the parent to connection, bond and tend to their child’s needs in richer way.

Family structure & relationships become strained without ease of sleep. By having healthy sleep for your baby, it can be a joyful experience where either parent can put baby to bed without all the tears and anxiety.

psst… it’s only $128USD, which is less than a night away in a hotel for 12 hours sleep

What will it help?

  • Eliminate unnecessary overnight wakings
  • Keep healthy night feeds where they can drop them when ready
  • Have your baby fall asleep happily in 5 to 20 minutes
  • Know that your baby will sleep 10 to 12 hours each night without stress
  • Kick short naps to the curb
  • Have a long naps while still being able to have Naps On The Go
  • Become the expert in your own child sleep, knowing exactly what is happening in their body
  • Work with your babies, body chemistry rather than against it
  • Stop your baby from being overtired and dysregulated while also reducing crying

How the gentle sleep course works:

  • Breaks down every step that you need to do in small bite-size pieces
  • We tell you exactly what to do and why you’re doing it, so you’re not confused in the moment
  • We give you contingency plans along the way so that you can customize it to fit your baby
  • We have a three step approach that allows your baby to adjust to change
  • Video content with PDFs and printable resources, so that you are never lost
  • Live Q&As twice a month to ask questions about your unique situation
  • Track your baby's sleep in our app
  • Covers every topic from bedtime to the middle of the night to naps to travel
  • Ensures that you are doing everything to reduce crying and will not be chained to the crib
You will have instant access to change sleep for your baby so the endless nightwakings can STOP!
  • This is a process very unique to us where we are able to gently and strategically introduce change, it has been pivotal for parents understanding their baby & reducing crying.

  • This is where we can guide baby into the next level of feeling safe & sure when it comes to going to sleep without help. It allows them to. be comforted while learning.

  • Night feeds are based on a baby’s weight, so when they have healthy sleep understanding they are able to naturally drop them when ready, through Sleep Sleep Baby there is no need to force feeds out in the same old fashioned way, as baby can move them out easily.

  • Every family and baby is different, from the family culture & lifestyle, to the baby’s sleep needs. We teach you how to navigate baby’s sleep needs along with the ebs and flows of life.

  • No one likes change, and so when baby is learning and feeling unsure they use crying as a method to communicate. There will be crying, however our goal is to always minimize it and for you to be there to comfort your child.

  • All babies need some structure around sleep to know how to, and what the expectations are when it comes to sleep. However, the older they get the more complicated it becomes, the longer it takes to get to sleep, and night wakings can increase. By being proactive now, you are able to intentionally set new skills in place, where as the longer we wait the more complicated it can become.

Hey there! I'm Anna

When my daughter was born, she did not sleep! I learned that truth very quickly what true exhaustions was!

Figuring out how to get my baby to sleep so that I could sleep became my #1 priority. 

In October 2018 I did my certification and became a Certified Pediatric Sleep Coach, and started Little Winks Sleep™. 

As a mom of three, I get it. Budgets are tight, but you desperately need your little one to sleep. That's the reason I created Sleep Sleep Baby™, so you can stay on budget and still enjoy the life-changing experience of having your little one sleep!

I am super proud of the programs I create and I know that any parent who follows them will be over the moon. As well as well rested!😴 

Just know that whatever you want IS possible. If 1500+ other parents can do it, you can do it, too.

Get the App for FREE with any course or coaching purchase!

Get customized support in the palm of your hand, whether you opt for a self-guided course or a 1:1 coaching package with a Little Winks Certified Sleep Coach!

  • Receive tips & suggestions tailored to your baby's age and progress

  • Get important updates and reminders to help you navigate changes

  • Have accessible support for every stage of your sleep progress

In the past,

you could only hire a Sleep Coach for this information

which was unaffordable for many families.

But because so many people asked for a do-it-yourself, budget-friendly Sleep Program that works...

I have packaged everything you need for

only $128

(Yes, for real!)


What parents like you say

Follow Sleep Sleep Baby™ and in less than TWO weeks your little one could be sleeping through the night!

Frequently Asked Questions

  • A: In short, yes. In more detail, this program is built to provide an easy-to-use system, with help on implementation and troubleshooting. What I teach you in Sleep Sleep Baby™ has been proven to work and is effective when used consistently. Babies thrive on consistency – between your consistent implementation and the instructions, education, and tools provided, you will be having 12 hour nights before you know it!

  • A: I have hand crafted Sleep Sleep Baby™ for 4 - 18 month old babies. The beautiful thing about this program is that you are provided with everything you need to make adjustments for your baby’s age and weight within that age group. There are age appropriate modifications that lead you through how to effectively adjust things for your child and if your child still needs a night feed, I’ve got covered!

  • A: In building Sleep Sleep Baby™, I took my time and careful diligence to structure it in a way which you’re able to find the information you need easily and in multiple places. You will have access to information on frequently asked questions, trouble shooting, and PDF’s covering topics you may come up against - like how to sleep when baby is teething. Not only this, I have a team of Certified Sleep Coaches at the ready to have a call with you, you can book a 40-minute Ask Me Anything call for $80 or you can upgrade to personal coaching! If you choose to upgrade to private coaching, the cost of the course will be taken off of your package.

If you're still waiting for your little one to "grow out of it," research shows that there is an 80% chance things won't change.

Catch some zzz's

Get Sleep Sleep Baby for only $128!

*Note- Price is in USD