Say goodbye to... endless toddler power struggles and hello to peaceful connection!
Toddlerhood is a walk in the park... JURASSIC PARK!
Challenging days... big emotions, misunderstandings, minor things turning into major and OHH the emotions... did I mention those?
You're not alone! Let's learn how to:
Eliminate power struggles.
Connect on a deeper level with your toddler.
Avoid feeling lost and like you're "ruining" your child.
Feel confident in your parenting.
Raise emotionally healthy children who are resilient.
You could pick up on your toddler's emotional cues before they meltdown.
You could build daily routines that alleviate stress.
You felt connected to your little one.
You could have clear communication between you and your toddler.
Everyone in your family and social circle felt comfortable around your child, and your child felt SAFE and comfortable with them!

This is what Learning Your Littles is all about!
Say goodbye to:
Those awkward post-daycare conversations about how your child hit, bit, or pinched another child.
Resorting to yelling, timeouts, and spankings because you've tried everything else and it doesn't work.
Exhausting tantrums at the grocery store, at the park, in the car, at home, and everywhere else.
Feeling like you don't understand your child and can't control your child.

Your child is between the age of 18 months to 6 years
You feel lost in terms of how to connect with your child.
The forms of teaching or discipline you’ve used haven’t been successful.
You want to develop a secure relationship and common language with your child.
Your little one needs help expressing their emotions verbally.
You need strategies to communicate with and help teach your child to regulate.
You’re exhausted from what isn’t working and don't know what to do.
Understanding the brain
The three key parts of the brain that affect behaviour, and the three brain states from which your child processes their world.
Preventing tantrums
How to break the cycle of crying and tantrums, recognize unmet needs, and provide the presence and support your little one is asking for through their action
Establishing connections
How to foster connection with your child in the midst of big emotions, learn strategies that work for calming the chaos, and create a plan that is child-centred and that supports your child back to a state where they are receptive to feedback and can co-regulate with you.
Understanding anxiety
Learn how anxiety develops, strategies to deal with change, and create an action plan for when big changes come.
Stoplight Starts with You
Change the generational script and our assumptions about why we think our child is acting or reacting a certain way, and create a personal plan for getting back to a calm and functional state as a parent / caregiver when things aren’t going well.
Getting stuff done
We still need to be functional in the midst of the chaos. How do we move forward while in the process of learning The Stoplight Approach?
I’m Cherilyn
Founder and Creator of The Stoplight Approach
I developed The Stoplight Approach to help build safe schools, safe homes, safe communities, and resilient children. It is based on the latest research in brain science, as well as my years of experience as a teacher (early childhood, primary, special needs), as a mom to 7 children through birth and adoption, and as a foster mom. It is my passion to help parents, carers, and teachers build strong, healthy relationships with their children and their students.
I’m Anna
Co-Creator, Owner of Little Winks, Certified Sleep Coach
Toddlers can be relentless with pushing boundaries - especially when it comes to sleep! When my oldest entered toddlerhood, I learned that very quickly!
In October 2018 I completed my certification and became a Certified Pediatric Sleep coach, and started Little Winks Sleep.
I co-created the Learning Your Littles because I want every parent to have the tools they need to support their children to communicate well and to feel safe, secure, and connected.
Having a secure relationship with your child IS possible.
Choose a strategy that suits your family!
Each family is different, and each child is unique. It isn't a cookie-cutter solution ... in fact, connection is the solution!
Let's get you and your toddler connecting, understanding and moving forward so you can ENJOY one another.
J, father & teacher, Uganda
"After Stoplight training, I no longer shout at my wife or shout at my kids. I handle them as human beings."
M, adoptive mom, Alberta
"Once we truly became a Stoplight home, it has changed how we parent our kids, it has changed the way we relate to each other as husband and wife, and as we relate as a family. I use Stoplight wherever I can."
N, teacher & mom, Switzerland
"The Stoplight Approach really changed our lives."

Frequently Asked Questions
Learning Your Littles is a game-changer for parents struggling to connect with or feel in control of littles ages 6 months - 4 years, but it is also helpful for any parent who wants to understand how their child’s brain works to process big emotions and changes, and how to have strong attachment that will withstand those strong emotions and changes.
When your child is having a tantrum it is not a behaviour problem - it is a brain issue. Their brains have gotten to the point where they are shutting down. They are in survival mode (fight, flight or freeze). They are having a meltdown that communicates, “I am done! I can’t cope with life. I can’t cope with what’s going on. I don’t have the skills or the ability to handle this. I have unmet needs. I just can’t cope.” In Learning Your Littles, we take a deep dive into how to read our child, recognize these unmet needs (parent guilt not welcome here), and will create a plan for helping them get back to Green Brain.
Trying something new can be difficult at first, but as you repeat it again and again it becomes easier and easier. In Learning Your Littles, we help you create a Green Plan that causes your little one’s brain to build new neural pathways. Neuroplasticity is our brain’s ability to heal and change by building new neurons and connections. Knowing that brains are changeable can give you a new perspective. You can focus on calming children in Red Brain, encouraging children when they are in Yellow Brain, and teaching them new skills when they are in Green Brain.
Focusing on emotional intelligence, The Stoplight Approach gives awareness about how emotions can drive our behaviour and impact people (positively and negatively). In Learning Your Littles, we look at the brain science behind our littles’ engagement with their emotions, simplify this into 3 brain states (Red, Yellow, and Green), and then focus on how to approach our children in each brain state, how to meaningfully connect in each state, and how to support them to learn to self-regulate and develop empathy.
As we spend time with people, listening to them and learning about them, we begin to see the world from their perspective. In Learning Your Littles, we teach you how to build a connection with your little one in the midst of their big feelings, how to develop empathy for them in the midst of our frustration, and how they can develop empathy for the people in their lives with practice.
You will have access to Learning Your Littles for ONE YEAR from the time of purchase.