What a good bedtime routine looks like

The key is to build a bedtime routine that lasts a total of 20-30 minutes, so that the baby is engaged throughout the routine.

What's the best bedtime for my child

Detailed bedtime examples by age and why we recommend the 7-8 window.

Several tips for a great bedtime

When the last nap of the day should end. When to have the last feed in the bedtime routine. And much more!

Hey there! I am Anna.

It’s been said that you’ll never know what true exhaustion feels like until you become a parent.

When my daughter was born, I learned that truth very quickly!

Figuring out how to get my baby to sleep - so that I could sleep became my #1 priority. Through the process of teaching my wee girl to sleep and talking with other parents, I realized that my family wasn’t the only one up at night.

In October 2018 I did my certification and became a Certified Pediatric Sleep Coach, and started Little Winks Sleep. For parents who prefer a self-guided approach, I created our Sleep Sleep Baby and Nurturing Newborn Sleep courses.

I am so thankful to wake up each day well rested, and knowing we have helped over a 1500+ other families do the same!