Never having to spend hours scrolling for how to help your newborn sleep because you already know everything you need to.
Enjoying sleep even in the newborn stage and knowing that it just is going to get better the older they get because you’ve set them up for it!
Watching your partner put baby to sleep because they are just as empowered with sleep and can get them to sleep while you have a much needed break!
Not feeling alone as you navigate sleep, development, and life as a parent - and the info you have isn’t guilt ridden mis-guiding steps that land you with more night wakings when they’re older.
Not feeling overwhelmed by all of the unsolicited advice you receive because you confidently made an informed decision as the parent about how you are going to help your child gradually learn how to sleep.
Avoiding the endless hours of baby crying, wondering if the constant waking up at night will ever end.
Knowing they’re drop night feeds when they are developmentally ready because their sleep is ready for it when they are big enough!
Feeling confident about how you are gentle facilitating learning of sleep AND building healthy attachment!
Laying down the foundation step by step of sleep for your newborn so that you don't have to worry about sleep later.
The proven 14-week newborn sleep course that guides you step-by-step through nurturing your newborn's sleep so that you don't have to sleep train later.

Here’s how my Nurturing Newborns Approach works:
First, you'll go through the Fundamentals of Sleep so that you understand how sleep works in your newborn's body.
Next, you will be guided week-by-week through the first fourteen weeks of development by Certified Sleep Coach Anna McMillan, practicing a manageable sleep goal each week.
Then, browse through answers to key questions from newborn parents on everything from swaddles to reflux and colic, from calming your newborn successfully to how to give great night feeds and so much more.
By the end of the fourteen weeks, you'll have a baby that is sleeping independently so long as you remain consistent with what we're asking you to do.
Nothing in this newborn sleep course will encourage your baby to have hours of endless crying. Nurturing Newborn Sleep is nice and gentle, and it's broken down into bite-sized pieces.
Don’t worry, it’s only $128 which is less than one night of online panic shopping for random baby items to “help”

This isn’t a course that uses Cry It Out OR co-sleeping your life away. Welcome to the happy medium. This doesn’t mean that crying never happens, or that you can’t have plenty of snuggly contact naps. Our Foundations approach teaches you to first understand your baby’s emotions and how to co-regulate effectively with them before even beginning to introduce sleep skills. It’s a game-changer!
You won't be alone, unlike reading a book. Certified Sleep Coach Anna McMillan will walk you through each piece in the 3+ hours of recorded video content, and you will have an in-app concierge to help you find answers if it’s a #babybrain day. We’ve got you covered!
You will have everything you need. Most infant sleep courses out there require you to buy "another thing" along the way or once you complete their course. Not with us! We’ve included printable PDFs throughout the course content, and our Little Winks Sleep App gives you access to the course wherever you are - whether to go through course content at a coffee shop while baby naps, or to track your baby’s sleep at home or on the go.
Live Q&As with Coach Anna. You can join other parents on a call twice a month to ask questions about your unique situation. After all, every baby is different!
You will have One Year access to the gentle Nurturing Newborn Baby Responsive Approach that 1500+ other families have used to successfully teach their little ones to sleep while enhancing a healthy attachment.
You will have the option to switch to coaching if you feel a 1:1 fit would be best for you. We offer sleep coaching for babies 8 weeks and up. Should you choose to switch to sleep coaching, you will only be charged the price of the coaching package MINUS the price of the course. So you’re not losing your money!

By the end of using
Nurturing Newborn Sleep™
Your little one will be sleeping independently
By following the Nurturing Newborn Sleep program, you are building a secure foundation for your baby's sleep. Layering skills, communication, and confidence into their day, so they can be the best baby possible. As we slowly layer the foundation of their sleep, we work towards cultivating fantastic sleep skills where they can enjoy the best of both worlds - enjoying sleep and being a happy baby when awake.
You will know how to help your little one
Because you will understand how your baby's body works when it comes to sleep, you will know what unique signs your little one uses to communicate that they are ready to sleep. You will also be armed with the tools that will help your little one navigate the highs and lows of babyhood while maintaining healthy sleep.
You will be able to help your baby have fantastic naps
You will have learned and honed the skill of facilitating great naps and knowing how to adjust your little one's schedule when it's time to drop a nap. You will also know how to enjoy naps on the go, so you aren't stuck at home all day.
You will be able to enjoy each stage of parenthood
There are many seasons of parenthood and each has its joys. And while your baby will still need some night feeds, you can rest assured that by guiding your little one's sleep, both of you can enjoy each season!
You will know what to expect because you have the strategies in place to face each part of the newborn season. You will rest easy knowing that you have given your little one sleep skills for a lifetime!

Nurturing Newborn Sleep gives you access to:
Multiple comprehensive sleep strategies
All of the resources inside Newborn Sleep Essentials
The Little Winks Sleep Tracker & data
Live Q&As twice a month
14 weeks of weekly sleep coaching
And so much more!
After going through The Fundamental of Sleep in Newborn Sleep Essentials section of Nurturing Newborn Sleep, you will:
Understand how your baby's sleep works so that you are able to gently guide them through each stage of laying a foundation for healthy sleep skills.
Know if you should lay your little one down drowsy or awake so that you can avoid any frustrations.
Know how to read your little one's unique sleep signs - this how your newborn will tell you they are ready to sleep!
You've got more than one on your hands? This section in Newborn Sleep Essentials was made for YOU! After going through this, you will:
Feel more relaxed knowing how to manage your little ones' schedules.
Find the best way to feed and keep everyone happy – including you.
Know how to get babies sleeping even when it's just you.
It's a common myth that when you encourage sleep you will miss out on attachment and bonding. After going through this workshop in the Newborn Sleep Essentials section you will realize that is far from the truth and you will be better off because you will know of new ways to engage and grow a healthy attachment with your baby.
Newborn sleep essentials
After going through the Night Feeds section, you will know:
When you can safely drop night feeds.
How to go about a night so that it doesn't create any bad habits.
How to drop a night feed.
Does your baby have colic or reflux? What do those words even mean?
Colic and reflux occur when there is a lot of gas or spitting up inside the baby, and they feel very uncomfortable. It's indicated by a lot of crying, gas, or spit-up.
When it comes to sleep, it is really hard with a baby who is colicky or has reflux because they find it uncomfortable to lay on their back. In the Newborn Sleep Essentials, you will learn how to support your little one while still building a foundation for healthy sleep.
After going through the Key Parenting Decisions section in the Newborn Sleep Essentials, you will:
Know the do's and dont's of using a pacifier, also known as a "paci," "dummy," "SuSu," or "Soother."
Understand the difference between co-sleeping and bed-sharing, and what is recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics – it just might surprise you.
Know what safe and non-safe sleep are and what to watch for, for example, temperature, sleep environment, car seats, popular baby products that actually aren't safe.
Get the App for FREE with any course or coaching purchase!
Get customized support in the palm of your hand – whether you opt for a self-guided course or a 1:1 coaching package with a Little Winks Certified Sleep Coach! Every purchase gets:
Tips + suggestions tailored to your baby's age and progress
Important updates and reminders to help you navigate changes
Accessible support for every stage of your sleep progress
Want to know how you can help your little one know when it's time to sleep BEFORE they are even born?
I'll walk you step-by-step through what you can do now to help your little one get into rhythm before they even arrive.
I hate to break it to you, but things won't always go as planned. Your baby will start teething, family dinner will go late, traffic will be bad, and naptime will get thrown off. Things happen and that's where this guide comes in.
You will get access to everything you need and MORE so that you can roll with the punches.
At four months old, your little one is going to go through a developmental leap! This has a HUGE impact on your little one's sleep.
I'm going to break down how you can avoid the dreaded four-month sleep regression and everything else you need to know.

Today's price = $128
*Note - Price in USD
I’m Anna
When my daughter was born, she did not sleep! I learned that truth very quickly what true exhaustions was!
Figuring out how to get my baby to sleep so that I could sleep became my #1 priority.
In October 2018 I did my certification and became a Certified Pediatric Sleep Coach, and started Little Winks Sleep™.
As a mom of three, I get it. Budgets are tight, but you desperately need your little one to sleep. That's the reason I created Nurturing Newborn Sleep™, so you can stay on budget and because I want every parent to have the tools they need to experience parenthood without being sleep deprived.
I am super proud of the programs I create and I know that any parent who follows them will be over the moon. As well as well rested!😴
Just know that whatever you want IS possible. If 1500+ other parents can do it, you can do it, too.
Frequently Asked Questions
You can actually start using Nurturing Newborn Sleep BEFORE your baby arrives.
There is bonus material on how you can start rhythms with your baby now while you are pregnant.
You can learn and absorb all the information before you are in the midst of the newborn stage.
You and your parenting partner can be on the same page before the baby comes, allowing your partner to know how they can support you and your newborn.
You can start today! You can implement goals and guiding tools each week as your baby grows, allowing you to enjoy your newborn and help them when they need help (because they will) while doing things that build the health foundation to improve sleep continuously.
If your baby is two months or older, then we encourage you to dive right in!
You can implement everything we have been working through in weeks 0-8 straight away and get sleep sorted! This will make a significant impact on your baby's sleep!
YES! This can totally work for you. Nurturing Newborn Sleep is a step-by-step guide to building the foundation, troubleshooting, adjusting, and teaching your baby healthy sleep in a developmentally appropriate way.
It is easy to follow, and as long as you stay consistent, you can effectively communicate with your baby. It'll make a world of difference to your baby's sleep.
Yes! All of the content is inside of a members area, ready to go! You will get instant access as soon as you complete your purchase.
Send me a DM on Instagram @littlewinkssleep!